April 29, 2022
BusinessForce Endorses Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings for Re-election
BusinessForce announces their early endorsement for Jerry Demings in the mayoral race for Orange County to be held on November 8, 2022. The endorsement of Jerry Demings demonstrates the nonpartisan commitment of this organization to choose candidates who are both responsive and supportive of our business community,” said BusinessForce Chairman, Todd Wilcox. Our Board believes that Mayor Demings will continue to work to represent the best interests of the citizens of Orange County, its businesses, and its future.”
About BusinessForce:
BusinessForce is an independent nonpartisan organization and political action committee composed of regional business and community leaders that represent thousands of businesses and their tens of thousands of employees who are interested in promoting a pro-business environment and, on a non-partisan basis, supporting candidates and elected officials in our state and region who endorse the free enterprise system and sound, responsible business practices in government. Candidates for other races at the state and local level will be invited to candidate interviews for consideration of an endorsement by BusinessForce. For more information on BusinessForce, visit our website at www.businessforcecfl.com or contact: Leslie O’Shaughnessy at 407-539-4944.