BusinessForce is an independent organization composed of regional business and community leaders that represent thousands of businesses and their tens of thousands of employees who are interested in promoting a pro-business environment and, on a non-partisan basis, supporting candidates and elected officials in our state and region who endorse the free enterprise system and sound, responsible business practices in government.
Before BusinessForce, each business person had to "go it alone" in conducting time-consuming independent research to properly evaluate state and local candidates or issues in our region. Now, businesses large and small have a unified voice speaking out for good candidates and good government. Since its creation in 1998, more than 80 percent of BusinessForce-endorsed candidates have won elections. Each election year, candidates and elected officials from throughout our region eagerly seek the coveted BusinessForce endorsement.
BusinessForce is committed to building diverse coalitions while engaging the community and enacting positive proactive participation that positively impacts the formation of public policy in our region and Florida. BusinessForce upholds the following tenets in their work. 1. Protecting private property rights. 2. Limited preemption of home rule. 3. Support the role of government as a facilitator for free enterprise. 4. Promoting initiatives for a thriving community. 5. Fiscally responsible Government. ​
Together, we will make "the voice for business" a stronger force for good government in our region!
For more information on how you can participate in BusinessForce activities, contact Leslie O'Shaughnessy at 407-539-4944 or Leslie@leslierules.com.